Tag Archives: Blogtember

Blogtember – Personality Test

Ok, here we go:
Monday, September 9: Take this short personality test and respond to your results. (at the end, find the detailed profile of your personality account – click “click to view” under “You” and “self awareness and personal growth.” You can even google your type and find more info on it!)
So I took the test and here are my results:
Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test™
Your Type
Introvert(44%)  Sensing(50%)  Thinking(38%)  Judging(33%)
  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%)
  • You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (50%)
  • You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (38%)
  • You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%)
To be honest, this was not one of my favourite prompts, and the test results are confusing and I’m not sure I quite agree with it.
I guess I’m moderate in all my preferences so that’s probably why I don’t feel I really fit into any of the types, except for being an Introvert. I totally agree with that. And I can come off as being a bit reserved because I tend to keep to myself. That’s why blogging is so great, I can say what’s on my mind while still being able to keep to my space.
So, today’s prompt is going to be nice and short.
I wish to say that the last two prompts for Blogtember, Who am I and Where do I Come From and How would I spend 3 months if it was completely up to me… were such a pleasure to write. It made me examine my life a bit more and be more satisfied with where I am today and have more colourful dreams for tomorrow. Thank you to all who came and had a read 🙂

Tomorrow’s prompt:

Tuesday, September 10: Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.


Blogtember – Who am I and Where do I Come From



Tuesday, Sept. 3: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.

I know this prompt was for Tuesday, but I’m trying to catch up because I only found out about “Blogtember” yesterday.

So here I go. I was born in Germany, to a German father and Indonesian Chinese mother. My parents got divorced when I was about 5 and my mum, step dad and me moved back to Indonesia when I was almost seven.

Castle Neuschwanstein

Castle Neuschwanstein

Up until this time German was my first language and I could only understand some very basic Indonesian. I didn’t look particularly “German” but when we moved to Indonesia, I stood out like a sore thumb. I guess it’s just that everybody else is 100% Asian, so even though in the western world nobody would think of me as looking Caucasian, I looked very foreign in Indonesia.



I think this is one of the main things that made me who I am today. I really did not like being “bule”. This is the Indonesian slang term for “white”. It is not a rude word, just a descriptive word but it took me a long time to feel comfortable with that word. Moreover, the Chinese Indonesian population is a minority in Indonesia and to some extent has always kept themselves separate from the locals. So I was not only “bule”, I was a Chinese Indonesian bule.

When I was little, I used to love watching Chinese period TV series. It was my greatest desire to be a Chinese princess, or a Chinese warrior woman. I longed for thick black long hair, but my hair was decidedly brown, and thin and limp and short. Anybody could see I was not Chinese, but I clung to all things Chinese. I used to lock myself in my room and play pretend. I’d wrap my hair in a long thin shawl and pretend that it was my beautiful long black hair. It was a long time before I realised that many of the people around me envied me precisely because I looked different and because I had life experiences that were quite different from a regular Indonesian girl’s .

Later on I moved to Singapore where I attended 4 years of schooling, (age 12-16) and I felt even more distinct. Now, I was not only one of the few foreign looking girls in my school, I was a German-Indonesian-Chinese living in Singapore, trying to understand the Singaporean culture. Indeed Singapore is a melting pot of ethnic groups, but my first hand experience clearly showed that more often than not, the different ethnic groups kept to themselves.

Singapore travelerfolio.com

Singapore travelerfolio.com

When I turned 16, my family and I moved to New Zealand. It was good to be reunited with my family. My family now consisted of my mum and step dad and my two little sisters. My sisters are quite some years younger than me (7 and 11 years difference) but within my immediate family I never felt like an outsider.

Harbour Bridge, Auckland, NZ

Harbour Bridge, Auckland, NZ

I have now lived in NZ for over 17 years, more than half my life. Living among “white” people, I have now become to look very Asian. Nobody would mistake me as a Caucasian. Isn’t it funny how we always look for what’s different between us and only upon closer inspection do we seek out our similarities.

My experience in NZ is that even though it is made up of immigrants, overall, everybody is more accepting of each other. Kiwis are generous people and tend to give you the benefit of the doubt, instead of drawing conclusions based solely on outward appearances. There is a real effort made to look at things from somebody else’s point of view.

Today, at 33 years of age, I don’t feel German at all. I lost the language a long time ago. When I visited Germany I felt like a foreigner. I still enjoy some German things in my life. Sometimes we cook German food, buy German bread. We celebrate Christmas on the 24th December, German style and I bake German Christmas cookies every year. I don’t feel particularly Chinese either, I am still drawn to books with Chinese themes. I enjoy Amy Tan’s and more recently have been reading Lisa See’s books. I don’t speak any Chinese, I understand a tiny bit of Mandarin and Chinese people often start conversations with me because I look Chinese enough in NZ.

I think in English but within my family, we speak a mix of English and Indonesian, we eat a lot of Asian inspired foods and I married an Indonesian Chinese Kiwi. But that doesn’t mean I identify most with my Indonesian culture. I think through all the different places I have been, I have found my little corner of the world in NZ.  It is a kind and generous country and I am proud and glad to be a kiwi.




Dearest Sultana,

I was reading on my Reader about “Blog Listing Events”, sounded interesting, something to help me focus on my writing a little, especially on days when I’m drawing a bit of a blank.

The event that I really liked is called Blogtember, and it’s held by Jenni of Story of My Life.


I really like her prompts, they are the kind of things I enjoy writing about.

Here’s a list of her prompts

Tuesday, Sept. 3: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.
Wednesday, September 4: If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do? (bonus points for fun photos from Pinterest, but don’t forget to cite the source!)
Thursday, September 5: Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered.
Friday, September 6: A story about a time you were very afraid.
Monday, September 9: Take this short personality test and respond to your results. (at the end, find the detailed profile of your personality account – click “click to view” under “You” and “self awareness and personal growth.” You can even google your type and find more info on it!)
Tuesday, September 10: Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.
Wednesday, September 11: Share links to your favorite online shops, preferably with a few photos of your favorite items in each shop.
Thursday, September 12: Discuss ways that blogging or social media has changed you.
Friday, September 13: A self portrait
Monday, September 16: Write a public love letter to someone in your life. (It doesn’t necessarily need to be romantic.)
Tuesday, September 17: A memory you would love to relive.
Wednesday, September 18: Only photos
Thursday, September 19: Creative writing day: write a (very short) fictional story that starts with this sentence: “To say I was dreading the dinner party would be the understatement of the century.”
The story does not necessarily need to have a conclusion – you can leave your readers wishing for more!
Friday, September 20: React to this term: comfort.
Monday, September 23: A “life lately” post. What you’re up to, how you’re feeling, how you’re doing on your goals, etc. Bonus points for great photos!
Tuesday, September 24: Review a book, place, or product.
Wednesday, September 25: Write about a time you screwed up – a mistake you made.
Thursday, September 26: Go to a coffee shop. Order a favorite drink. Write about what makes you happy and what makes you sad. Or write about anything you’d like! Bonus points for including a photo from the coffee shop. (I recommend downloading Ommwriter and bringing headphones along!) *if you can’t make it to a coffee shop, at least leave your usual space and write someplace new.
Friday, September 27: An anonymous letter to your Facebook friends. Be as snarky as you’d like. (but don’t include people’s real names.)
Monday, September 30: Share a photo of something old. Maybe something that has personal history for you, that was passed down to you, and that has special meaning to you. Tell us about it and why it’s special.

Unfortunately I’m a week late into this event, but since the prompts are only from Monday to Friday, I think I can catch up on the ones I missed during the weekends.

I’m looking forward to this, I will start tomorrow!

I’ll still be posting on my Christmas gifts progress though. I should have some animal pouches soon…